Not Just
Your future is created by what you do today. Through access to the best resources and support, you can steer your future in the right direction.
Classes Offered at
The Chattanooga Purpose Center
Faith and Finances
This curriculum is designed for groups ranging from 5 -20 people. Participants are financially vulnerable adults with limited financial skills. The typical course participant fits the following criteria:
- Has some level of personal debt
- No emergency fund
- Does not live within a budget
- Has job skills
- Single parents
- May have court mandated payments
- Any person with low or fixed income (e.g. Social Security, disability).
If you are interested in attending this course, please contact
Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’-By World
Ever had to decide between buying groceries or paying a bill?
Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’-By World is a 16-session program that helps you not only survive but THRIVE. It’s not about how you arrived where you are now, it’s about what comes next to build the life you want.
This program provides individuals in the community the chance to:
- Take charge of and stabilize their lives
- Assess and increase their own resources
- Use mental models to examine their own lives and create a future story
- Examine the impact poverty has on individuals and their community
Getting Ahead is DIFFERENT because:
- You are recognized as a problem solver
- Your ideas and information are needed
- No one decides for you or tells you what to do
- No one will do for you what you can do for yourself
- No one will “teach”, you do the learning
- Getting Ahead helps those who typically do not have a voice gain a seat at planning and decision-making tables.
A graduate from each class continues on to be a co-facilitator of the next class.
Contact with questions
Staying Ahead
After completing Getting Ahead, graduates might want more support as they work towards stability, as well as have a desire to improve their community. Staying Ahead is a 6 month program that meets twice a month, that focuses on how to better the community.
What is expected of the Graduates:
- Attend meetings twice a month
- Connect with allies, ask for help when needed
- Actively work on your future story, stay motivated
- Take ownership of your goals and problem solve to reach them
- Graduates have the privilege of having allies come alongside of them to support them as they focus on impacting their community.
What is expected of the Allies:
- Attend meetings twice a month
- Connect with graduates, get to know them
- Support graduates in reaching their personal and community goals
- Commit to stick with us for 6 months
- Encourage the graduates
Are you interested in learning more about becoming an Allie?
If so, please email Charolette Brand at